Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Goyim In Jewish Jurisprudence

Torah law makes no provision for non-Jewish citizenship in the Jewish state. Generally speaking, a goy cannot serve as a valid witness in a Jewish law court. Texts written by gentiles are rarely cited in the Torah tradition. It is … Continue reading

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The Jewish Question

Jews have been in Europe for more than a millenia but they remain a distinct people. So why should anyone expect Muslims to integrate into the West? That’s naive. There’s no reason to expect that Arabs will become normal citizens … Continue reading

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Trump & The Jewish Question

I thought “The Jewish Question” was whether Jews could be full citizens of gentile countries while retaining their membership in the worldwide nation of Jewry. Rabbi Avi Shafran writes: One needn’t be a supporter of Mr. Trump, though, to recognize … Continue reading

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Satmar: Do They Take Us For Fools?

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein writes: I was puzzled by the anguished responses of some of my friends to the videos of children at two Satmar camps being indoctrinated in the fine art of hatred of Zionists. Publicized on Yeshiva World News, … Continue reading

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Illusions of Objectivity

Rabbi Avi Shafran writes: Some American journalists assigned to the political beat are having a hard time. Their dilemma is named Donald Trump, a man they don’t feel they can cover objectively. Those troubled are reporters with a liberal bent, … Continue reading

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