Monthly Archives: September 2016

Let In One Paki, You Bring In Another 200 Through Family Reunification

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Once I ran across an Internet short that argued that if you let in one Pakistani, you let in over 200 after family unification. There is sense to that claim. I worked in the Middle … Continue reading

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Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson Hit in Face with Pie at Event, Assaults Protester in ‘Bloody’ Scene

Comment: The mayor of Sacramento assaulting a pie-thrower……reminds me of this scene from Larry David’s “Curb your Enthusiasm” where Leon, Larry’s black friend, has trouble understanding why, to a personal slight, Larry would consider any response that wasn’t violent: * … Continue reading

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Every Immigrant Without High School Degree Will Cost Taxpayers $640,000

Heritage Foundation: On Thursday, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will release its report on “The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration.” According to the report, first generation immigrants as a group increase the nation’s fiscal deficit. In … Continue reading

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Anti-White Tweets from #BlackLivesMatter Movement


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‘Kindertransport’ Britons help today’s child refugees in Calais

Strangely, these British Jews are not trying to help Muslim refugees move to Israel. They only want First World gentile countries to swallow this poison. The Guardian: Their parents and grandparents were rescued from Nazi Germany, now they are raising … Continue reading

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