Monthly Archives: September 2016

Violent Crime Up In 2015

Violent crime and murders both went up in 2015, FBI says — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 26, 2016

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Jews & Pot

I’m shocked by how many Jews I know are cashing in on cannabis. Coming from a puritanical Seventh-Day Adventist background, I view marijuana as horrible. It tends to turn people into losers at a high rate. How can you profit … Continue reading

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Man Convicted in Shomrim Gang Attack That Blinded Art Student

Chaim Amalek writes: Forget it, Jake — it’s Torahtown. By what right does a Yellow man wearing a black robe sit in judgement of Torah Yidden defending their community from these gay black art student perversions? Be brave, Mayer! Our … Continue reading

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Shiksa: Biblical Roots of Racism by Professor John Hartung

According to his website: John Hartung is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology and Professor of Anesthesiology at the State University of New York. His Ph.D. is in anthropology from Harvard. About half of Dr. Hartung’s publications … Continue reading

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In full page NYT ad, liberal Zionist group calls for ethnic segregation to retain Jewish majority within Israel

From Mondoweiss: The Daniel S. Abraham Center for Peace, a prominent liberal Zionist Israel lobbying group, purchased a full-page newspaper advertisement in Friday’s edition of the New York Times, calling for the immediate separation of Israelis and Palestinians into separate … Continue reading

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