Monthly Archives: September 2016

Scott Adams Scores The Debate

Scott Adams writes: Clinton looked (to my eyes) as if she was drugged, tired, sick, or generally unhealthy, even though she was mentally alert and spoke well. But her eyes were telling a different story. She had the look of … Continue reading

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Dear Trump Supporters

Tom: “Dear Red America. Having lived in many of your regions — geographical, psychological and economic — I used to have a lot of respect for your wisdom and fortitude. I thought I understood you, and that you often endured … Continue reading

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Forward: Hollywood Makes Its Case Against ‘Denial’ — Will It Matter?

I hope the side with unlimited funds gets portrayed as the plucky underdog. David Irving could only afford to represent himself as he went up against Deborah Lipstadt’s generously funded legal team. Wikipedia: “Lipstadt hired the British solicitor Anthony Julius … Continue reading

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Why Donald Trump Won Last Night’s Debate

From the Forward: Joshua Seidel is a Trump supporter and a Jew on the alt right. Right from the start Trump was aggressive and focused on Clinton’s documented shortcomings. His strategy was a smart one: keep the attacks coming while … Continue reading

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I wonder what Hitler would have thought about medical marijuana

Gerard J. Perry: Hitler was anti-pot but pro-meth. Miriam: “What would Hitler think”, is that your equivalent of Christian’s “WWJD?” Joshua Pitterman: I always ask myself what would Hitler think before I do anything important, I feel hashem loves Irony. … Continue reading

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