Monthly Archives: September 2016

On Spencer’s Herzlianism for the Current Year

From Alt Zionism A Home for Dissident Jews: If not Jew and White, then which? It is a curious fact that in the Current Year, the Alt Right understands the Jews better than the Jews understand themselves. While legions of … Continue reading

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The Past is a Real-Talking Country

From the blog Those Who Can See: * We propose five categories of historical realtalk (some of which overlap in our quotes): Banal my-group preference The More Able remarking upon the Less Able The Less Able remarking upon the More … Continue reading

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Alt-Right Or Alt-White?

Comments at Vox Day: * We’re indelibly tied to our phenotypic/ethnic/cultural identity by nature of our genetics, our inherited social legacy and the perceptions of others. Realizing this is it really “selfish” or deplorable to wonder how a new school … Continue reading

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Debate Reacts

Peter Grant: “What did strike me was the contrast between the candidates’ approaches to the rest of the world. Donald Trump was emphatic about protecting American jobs and our national economy, if necessary by renegotiating international trade agreements, restricting immigration, … Continue reading

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Trump’s African-American Reframing

Scott Adams writes: So Trump flipped the frame. He said life in the big cities is worse-than-ever for African-Americans, thereby forcing his opponents and the fact-checkers to explain in detail how much better things have gotten since slavery. And the … Continue reading

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