Monthly Archives: September 2016

ADL Declares ‘Pepe the Frog’ as Official Hate Symbol

I feel safer already! Glad to see the Jewish Establishment tackling the issues that really matter. I am sure the Israeli flag is a hate symbol to opponents of the Jewish state and the Cross is a symbol of hate … Continue reading

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BY THE NUMBERS: The Twittersphere of the Trolls

From the Jewish newspaper Forward: “Your clothes will be removed & fumigated. You will be held down and given a bath!,” a Twitter troll tweeted at a Huffington Post journalist, complete with a picture of herself in a gas chamber. … Continue reading

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Washington Post: Trump stumbles into Clinton’s trap by feuding with Latina beauty queen

Accused accomplice to murder who threatened to kill a judge is Hillary most cunning move! Wow, just wow. Washington Post: It might be Hillary Clinton’s most cunning move since the start of the general election. The Democratic nominee set a … Continue reading

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WP: This New York Times ‘Hitler’ book review sure reads like a thinly veiled Trump comparison

If Donald Trump is Hitler, then Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy. Aaron Blake writes for the Washington Post: In the New York Times, Michiko Kakutani reviewed a new book about Adolf Hitler, titled “Hitler: Ascent 1889-1939.” To many observers, … Continue reading

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Alicia Machado’s Incredibly Sanitized Wikipedia Page

I guess the Hillary campaign controls Wikipedia. The tech giants are united against Trump. They will do everything they can to rig this election. Here is Alicia Machado’s current Wikipedia page: Yoseph Alicia Machado Fajardo (Spanish pronunciation: [aˈlisja maˈtʃaðo]; who … Continue reading

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