Monthly Archives: August 2016

Jim Goad: We must NEVER forget #EmmettTill…and NEVER mention how ridiculously lopsided modern interracial rape rates are

Chaim Amalek writes: So? If you were a rapist and had your pick of targets, who would you pick to rape? This sort of racist interpretation of what is essentially a market-driven decision has got to stop. NOW. We must … Continue reading

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Free The Weiner!

Chaim Amalek writes: Nebech, living with a Muslim drove him CRAZY! But now he is free and available to some nice Jewish woman who can make him a good home and be ok with his texting (which is not forbidden … Continue reading

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From La Griffe du Lion: Baltimore is typical of many Midwestern and Northern cities, whose demographics were forever changed by the great black migration of the twentieth century. Not unexpectedly we found a cognitive discontinuity at the city line. Surprising, … Continue reading

Posted in Baltimore, Blacks, IQ | Comments Off on THE EFFECT OF URBAN FLIGHT ON IQ DISTRIBUTION

On Hillary Clinton as a Model for Young Girls

Dennis Prager writes: Given that the former secretary of state used her office to enrich herself and her husband; given that she so willfully compromised national security by setting up her own private email server in order to avoid congressional … Continue reading

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Legendary Lawyers

Steve Sailer writes: It’s hard to be a legendary lawyer outside your state boundaries. Racehorse Haynes of Houston had a couple of national network miniseries made about his biggest cases in Texas, but he stuck to Texas. Los Angeles has … Continue reading

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