Monthly Archives: August 2016

Unfiltered Voices From Donald Trump’s Crowds

New York Times: “New York Times reporters have covered Donald J. Trump’s rallies for more than a year. His supporters at these events often express their views in angry and provocative ways. Here are some examples.” I look forward to … Continue reading

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I wish I knew where the Washington Post stood on Donald Trump.

From right now:

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(Andrea Dworkin)

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A Triumph For Feminism In Nicaragua

Steve Sailer writes: The first woman president of Nicaragua was Violetta Chamorro, who defeated Ortega in 1990. Although she was the first woman to be president of Nicaragua, she was the 6th Chamorro to be president, going back to Presidente … Continue reading

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Black Oberlin Professor Accused of Anti-Semitic Remarks Is Placed on Paid Leave

Why do so many blacks, Muslims and Arabs believe in conspiracy theories? For the same reason that many whites do — because it salves frustration with one’s status in life. Oberlin, a left-wing college, must have found it uncomfortable to … Continue reading

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