Monthly Archives: August 2016

Will the Mormon Church’s Support for Muslim Immigration Block Trump’s Victory?

Tom Tancredo writes: The media is suddenly full of stories on Trump’s “Mormon problem.” According to the mainstream media, Trump’s call for “extreme vetting” of Muslim immigrants in his foreign policy speech kicked open a hornets’ nest of Mormon concerns … Continue reading

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Orthodox rabbis condemn Donald Trump’s ‘hateful rhetoric and intolerant policy proposals’

LINK: We the undersigned are a group of American Orthodox rabbis, speaking as individuals, who have come together — in solidarity with other religious leaders — to make this statement on a matter of grave religious import. We believe that … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Racial realists’ are cheered by Trump’s latest strategy

Washington Post: OAKTON, Va. — Jared Taylor hits play and the first Donald Trump ad of the general election unfolds across his breakfast table. Syrian refugees streaming across a border. Hordes of immigrants, crowded onto trains. “Donald Trump’s America is … Continue reading

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Bad! ‘Yesterday we published a review of Seth Rogen’s new animated film, Sausage Party’

LINK: After we published the review, we heard from Latinx readers who believe the portrayal of Salma Hayek’s taco was racist and that it reinforced harmful stereotypes. We heard from readers who were upset that we labeled the taco a … Continue reading

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Black Guy Vs White Guy Basketball

Comments at Steve Sailer: * When I was younger, my mildly athletic white friends and I would often play basketball as a team against much more athletically talented black teams. It always surprised me that we won a good portion … Continue reading

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