Monthly Archives: August 2016

Justice For Palestinians

I don’t place much faith in worldly justice for any group. Instead, you get what you can. All groups are competing for scarce resources. Those who are the most fit perpetuate themselves and those who don’t adapt die. From a … Continue reading

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How a Seattle Synagogue Made News by Hiring a New Custodian

When Christianity ruled Europe, it made sense for European Jews to side with anti-clerical factions. You don’t find many Jews in any diaspora movement to increase the rights of the majority as against minorities. You do find many Jews in … Continue reading

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Tabletmag: Does Nobel Prize Winner Aung San Suu Kyi Want To Push Her Country’s Muslims Into the Sea?

If you love your people, you are going to want to push out your enemies. This rule is not complicated. It applies equally to Jews, whites, Christians, Muslims, Germans, Australians… Why would a non-Muslim country want Muslims (or any foreign … Continue reading

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Is Israel Trying To Turn American Jews Into Orthodox Right-Wingers?

J.J. Goldberg writes: As part of its promotion of Orthodox observance, Chabad Hasidism touts a traditional version of Jewish family values, including rules on modest dress for women, “impurity” during menstruation and opposition to homosexuality. Less well known is Chabad’s … Continue reading

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The real meaning of Tikkun Olam

The real meaning of Tikkun Olam (repair of the world) is like almost everything in liberal Judaism — a flexible instrument capable of almost infinite twisting. Curt Biren writes: The current connotation can be traced back to the beginning of … Continue reading

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