Monthly Archives: August 2016

Indian Couple claimed to have climbed Everest. They lied.

Let’s invite them to move to America to enrich us with their diversity! Washington Post: But it didn’t take long for seasoned climbers to begin pointing out discrepancies in the Rathods’ story. If nothing else, the timing didn’t seem right. … Continue reading

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I Love Diversity In The Morning!

When I launched my Edge browser today, this is what I got:

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What Does The Alt-Right Want?


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Some Observations From the Man Who Created Alt-Right

Paul Gottfried writes: Last week I was reminded by a call from Associated Press that I had invented the term “Alternative Right.” When I asked about how I had accomplished that, the woman on the other end of the phone … Continue reading

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Trolling The Trolls

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The whispered rumors are we will see a TV show (modeled off the European version) where some insufferable media hack (secretly working with the government and internet providers) brings a camera crew and goes to … Continue reading

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