Monthly Archives: August 2016

War Dogs

Steve Sailer writes: War Dogs’ closest comparison is to Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street. But Scorsese didn’t have the courage to make the ethnic angle explicit. In his memoir, embezzler Jordan Belfort had explained the animus that motivated … Continue reading

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Hillary Will Denounce “Alt-right” on Thursday

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Don’t assume Hillary’s people haven’t focus-grouped extensively this new ploy of hers to pick out some Emmanuel Goldsteins for voters to hate. Hillary’s people usually know what they’re doing. * Clearly, the most unifying, utopian … Continue reading

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Do You Speak Australian?

New York Times: HONG KONG — In October 2014, Australia’s prime minister produced blank stares around the globe when he vowed to “shirt-front” President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia over the downing of a Malaysia Airlines plane in Ukraine, in … Continue reading

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Trump’s Cross-Color Nationalist Appeal

Comments at * Trump’s message isn’t white nationalist — it’s nationalist. The same America-first policies on immigration and trade would help non-white Americans too. Which is why they are the core of Trump’s appeal to blacks now (along with … Continue reading

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With Crocodiles in Custody, Police in Humpty Doo, Australia, Seek Human Accomplices

New York Times: Wanted: the shirtless reptile-hurlers of Humpty Doo. It sounds like a crazy caper in a children’s book. But the police in Australia are serious. Investigators in the Northern Territory announced on Sunday that they needed the public’s … Continue reading

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