Daily Archives: July 24, 2016

Which American Intellectuals Pushed For Overthrow Of Assad In Syria?

As the Twitter user #thelatempire notes: “Syria war has been the most globally destabilizing event since 9/11.” So who pushed for this disaster? People like the neoconservative Charles Krauthammer. 8/29/13 Washington Post: Having leaked to the world, and thus to … Continue reading

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Who Were The Rabbis & Jewish Intellectuals Who Pushed For America To Declare War On Syria?

As the Twitter user #thelatempire notes: “Syria war has been the most globally destabilizing event since 9/11.” So who pushed for this disaster? From September 2013: Letter to U.S. House of Representatives Dear Congressional Leaders, We write you as descendants … Continue reading

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So Who Were The Men & Institutions Who Pushed For America To Go To War In Syria?

As the Twitter user #thelatempire notes: “Syria war has been the most globally destabilizing event since 9/11.” So who pushed for this disaster? 9/3/13 Urgent Rosh Hashanah message from Rabbi Marvin Hier, SWC Dean and Founder Dear SWC Supporter, As … Continue reading

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‘Power is what matters’: Alt Right leader Richard Spencer explains his admiration for Trump and Israel

From Mondoweiss: A specter is haunting Cleveland, the specter of the Alt Right. The Alt Right in the United States is a small but growing intellectual movement that seeks to resist the dilution of “White” people, both as a matter … Continue reading

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Who Were The People Who Pushed For Destabilizing Syria?

As the Twitter user #thelatempire notes: “Syria war has been the most globally destabilizing event since 9/11.” So who pushed for this disaster? 9/5/13: US rabbis urge Congress to back Obama on Syria Missive to lawmakers on Rosh Hashanah eve … Continue reading

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