Daily Archives: July 15, 2016

Haaretz Columnist David Rosenberg: ‘Ignore the Hysteria: Europe Can Live With Terror’

Shorter David Rosenberg: F*** the goyim. From Haaretz March 24, 2016: Violence is mounting, but it is not nearly serious enough to push the economy over the edge. Europe should sit tight: Islamic State is past its peak… The warnings … Continue reading

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Will we have a military coup in France?

The military can be good at governing otherwise ungovernable situations. Democracy cannot keep the French safe. Democracy is not working. France has had military coups before. Twitter: * Probably not the most effective ad today at the Nice airport. * … Continue reading

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‘Facebook busy banning criticism of Islam post-Nice. Did you expect anything else? #NiceAttack’

* Daily Mail: #NiceAttack terrorist is named as French Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31 Twitter: * We can do it guys, we can heal the non-religiously-specific terrorists with love if we only find the right hashtag. #believe #peace #nice * … Continue reading

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Gingrich calls for deportation tests of everyone with a ‘Muslim background’

I don’t think there’s any anti-Muslim sentiment in the West today that would not be popular. Non-Muslims want Islam out of their countries and the sooner the better. Politico: Newt Gingrich, one of the final candidates vying to become Donald … Continue reading

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List of Islamic Terror: 2016

LINK: This is part of the list of Islamic terror attacks maintained by TheReligionofPeace.com. During this time period, there were 1268 Islamic attacks in 50 countries, in which 11664 people were killed and 14087 injured. Date Country City Killed Injured … Continue reading

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