Daily Archives: July 8, 2016

Politico: Immigration reformers eye Gang of 8 revival

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Lindsey Graham has openly (and correctly) complained that legacy Americans don’t have enough children to fund social security entitlements. * Is Lindsey hinting that he’s going to start a family himself? He’s DC’s most prominent … Continue reading

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11 Cops Shot at Black Lives Matter Protest in Dallas

Steve Sailer writes: “A problem with the Democrats’ high-low coalition of the fringes is that the fringes are awfully fringy. Stoking black rage for political advantage is a high risk strategy. And it’s not as if Obama and the Clintons … Continue reading

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John Rivers: ‘When do Whites get Racial Justice for the 320k violent crimes that Blacks commit against us every year?’

From twitter (John Rivers and co): * Obama’s Justice Dept has been doing everything in its power for 7.5 yrs to foment race war. Happy now? * ALL lives matter #Dallas * The Hillary PR Team encourages her future voters … Continue reading

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False Media Narrative About Cops Reaches A Logical Conclusion

Current Drudge Report headlines: BLACK LIVES PROTEST TURNS MASSACRE 5 COPS SHOT DEAD IN DALLAS NATION IN SHOCK ‘THE END IS COMING’ Washington Post: Three in custody after shooting at rally against police violence The Dallas police chief believes the … Continue reading

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