Daily Archives: June 10, 2016

Jay Michaelson: Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews

Every group thinks it is supreme. This is not a problem unique to whites. Judaism holds that Jews are God’s chosen people. How is that not supremacist? Jay Michaelson writes: Let’s take “white supremacy” out of the realm of insult. … Continue reading

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The Wall Street Journal Has Lost Its Mind

Reihan Salam writes in Slate: As Ryan searches his soul, his most steadfast allies in the conservative movement, the Wall Street Journal editorial board, find themselves in a nightmarishly difficult position. Ryan is a Journal-style conservative through and through, and … Continue reading

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New White House Policy Promotes Ethnic Separation

From Heritage: The Obama Administration last week unveiled new federal policy recommendations[1] that instruct states to support and encourage children to retain separate languages and cultural attachments. The policy was included in a joint policy statement[2] by the Departments of … Continue reading

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The Social Nature Of Jobs Has Been Destroyed By Mass Immigration

Essay: Where do most of the press and elites get it wrong? They don’t believe that we live in a two-tiered system. They don’t believe, or know they are in, the top tier. They also don’t understand what people view … Continue reading

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Are Attacks On Trump A “Textbook Example” Of Coordination?

VDARE: Mickey Kaus comes out with analysis of Trump’s accusation of bias against Judge Curiel, a Mexican-American and the child of immigrants: Cold, cold take: Paul Ryan says Donald Trump’s attack on Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge hearing the Trump … Continue reading

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