Monthly Archives: June 2016

Yossi Klein Halevi: Why the anti-Israel boycott movement is an immoral threat to peace

This is a clueless op-ed. The point of BDS, just like the point of the pro-Israel advocacy that Yossi Klein Halevi practices, is to promote the interests of one group over other groups. A Jewish state of Israel is great … Continue reading

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Game of States

From Steve Sailer’s new column in Taki’s Magazine: The near universal response of the punditry to a majority of Brits voting to leave the E.U. has been so enraged that the average voter must have begun by now to notice … Continue reading

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Australia’s Election July 2

Comments at Steve Sailer: Amidst the admittedly very important events of the Orlando shooting and the Brexit, the Australian election is set to take place in 4 days and has gone overlooked on iSteve. This election is of both the … Continue reading

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Can Trump Keep Winging It?

Mark Steyn writes: I did check out the action backstage, and I’ll say this: It was unlike any other candidate event I’ve been to. By comparison with, say, presidential campaigns such as Lamar Alexander’s or Orrin Hatch’s, Trump is very … Continue reading

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Santa Monica’s Dumpy Housing

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Santa Monica’s housing stock was pretty unimpressive when I lived there in 1981-82. No airconditioning in my dumpy apartment, but I only needed it about 10 days per year, and barely needed any heat. Before … Continue reading

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