Monthly Archives: June 2016

Jewish Tears Over Brexit

About half of British Jews voted to leave the EU, but most Jewish elites, like gentile elites, wanted Britain to remain in the European Union. I wonder if those Jews who wanted Britain to remain would want Israel to be … Continue reading

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Brexit and the global democracy deficit

UCLA professor David Myers writes in the Jewish Journal: The results of the vote shocked to the core. Londoners, who voted 60-40 in favor of staying, were despondent and bewildered. All of the employees at the hotel where I stayed, … Continue reading

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#HeterosexualPrideDay – ’cause it’s good to be normal

Source. Elsewhere in my Twitter feed: * Pretty soon “our values” will involve having a service economy based on trade in sodomy. * In days of Ellis Island & putting Americans first, immigrants quarantined before mixed w/population. * Are we … Continue reading

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ADL: ‘With #HeterosexualPrideDay trending, let’s reflect on why #Pride for LGBT is so important’

Strangely, neither the ADL nor the Museum of Tolerance and other such Jewish institutions push for gay marriage in Israel. One would think love is love, after all. ADL: June is LGBT Pride Month. To under­stand the LGBT move­ment, it’s … Continue reading

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Twitter: ‘Most men want something between 20-30% body fat on their girl’

Source. Chateau Heartiste: “On most 30% BF girls, losing 5% fat will always look better. 15% BF is uncommon on girls with normal frames. Thin-framed girls pull it off.” Elsewhere in my twitter feed: * Those who argue that mass … Continue reading

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