Monthly Archives: June 2016

Anti-Defamation League Chief Faces Challenge Trying To Renew Civil Rights Activism

Comments: * Here’s one to file under “It’s Always 1963!”: yesterday’s Morning Edition thumbsucker “Anti-Defamation League Chief Faces Challenge Trying To Renew Civil Rights Activism. Earnest Minnesota boomer Tom Gjelten is flummoxed by his discovery of emerging tensions between two … Continue reading

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Do Americans Want More Immigration?

Steve Sailer writes: “The Democrats have been boasting since the 1990s that they are going to impose one party rule on America by importing countless foreign ringers to vote for them … Why wouldn’t Americans resent this?” Comments: * I … Continue reading

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Murder-Suicide At UCLA

Twitter “UCLA”: * #UCLA students should immediately go to their gun-free safe-spaces to be completely protected from all harm. Last night: Breitbart: LOS ANGELES — The latest stop on Milo Yiannopoulous’s “Dangerous Faggot Tour” at the University of California Los … Continue reading

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Parents-of-four whose son fell into zoo enclosure sparking killing of Harambe the gorilla as it emerges father has a lengthy criminal history – including kidnap and drug trafficking

Daily Mail: Deonne Dickerson and Michelle Gregg have been heavily criticized Harambe was fatally shot after their four-year-old boy crawled past a railing and fell 15ft into the gorilla exhibit moat Harambe was shot dead after dragging the boy violently … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘The core of the Trump Phenomenon is the question of freedom of expression.’

Steve Sailer writes: Donald Trump has come to be seen by both his enemies and his supporters as the living embodiment of a potential revival of the American tradition of free speech after the Obama ice age of political correctness. … Continue reading

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