Monthly Archives: June 2016

Ann Coulter: Key To Trump’s Victory–Math!

Ann Coulter writes: With the California primary fast approaching, the media are rolling out their favorite fairy tale about how Republican Pete Wilson’s support for Proposition 187 in 1994 was a historic, game-changing error for the GOP, driving Hispanics from … Continue reading

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WP: The surprisingly petty things that people shot each over last month

According to the Washington Post: “Average Americans routinely shoot each other over minor annoyances, data show.” Yeah, it’s those gun-crazy East Asians who are always shooting people over trivial annoyances. Just your average Americans. Washington Post: 5,484. That’s the number … Continue reading

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What the documentary ‘Weiner’ tells us about Huma Abedin

Washington Post: Especially striking are the ways in which Abedin’s own marriage follows the patterns of her boss’s, raising many of the same questions. Was it love or ambition that made her stay with a self-destructive politician who betrayed her … Continue reading

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Is Intelligence Hereditary?

Robert Plomin, a deputy director of the MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Center at King’s College London, responds: Scientists have investigated this question for more than a century, and the answer is clear: the differences between people on intelligence … Continue reading

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ADL Diversity!

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