Monthly Archives: June 2016

Social Identity Theory

Saul McLeod writes: Henri Tajfel’s greatest contribution to psychology was social identity theory. Social identity is a person’s sense of who they are based on their group membership(s). Tajfel (1979) proposed that the groups (e.g. social class, family, football team … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right Is Evil and Must Be Opposed

Walter Hudson, a black guy, writes: The ascendancy of Donald Trump has dragged the amorphous “alt-right” from the shadows of internet obscurity to coalesce as a legitimate political force. What is the alt-right? That depends upon whom you ask. The … Continue reading

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Good Places To Have A Heart Attack

A friend was having a heart attack. He got in his car and drove towards UCLA and once he crossed Pico, he knew the ambulance would have to take him to UCLA, so he pulled over and called 9-1-1. Otherwise, … Continue reading

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EU to Social Media: Ban “FREE SPEECH” incl. the Dalai Lama

Notes: Selected Notes for new video:E.U. to Social Media: Ban "HATE SPEECH" of the Dali Lama ————————————————————- Internet hate speech 'to be blocked within 24 hours' Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?For half a century, memories of … Continue reading

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ESPN: ‘Hue Jackson is changing the game on minority hiring’

ESPN: “The Browns new coach is actively doing his part to reverse a troubling lack of minorities in the assistant coaching ranks, particularly on the offensive side of the ball.” How come you never hear these sentiments in jobs dominated … Continue reading

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