Monthly Archives: June 2016

The Wall Street Journal Has Lost Its Mind

Reihan Salam writes in Slate: As Ryan searches his soul, his most steadfast allies in the conservative movement, the Wall Street Journal editorial board, find themselves in a nightmarishly difficult position. Ryan is a Journal-style conservative through and through, and … Continue reading

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New White House Policy Promotes Ethnic Separation

From Heritage: The Obama Administration last week unveiled new federal policy recommendations[1] that instruct states to support and encourage children to retain separate languages and cultural attachments. The policy was included in a joint policy statement[2] by the Departments of … Continue reading

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The Social Nature Of Jobs Has Been Destroyed By Mass Immigration

Essay: Where do most of the press and elites get it wrong? They don’t believe that we live in a two-tiered system. They don’t believe, or know they are in, the top tier. They also don’t understand what people view … Continue reading

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Are Attacks On Trump A “Textbook Example” Of Coordination?

VDARE: Mickey Kaus comes out with analysis of Trump’s accusation of bias against Judge Curiel, a Mexican-American and the child of immigrants: Cold, cold take: Paul Ryan says Donald Trump’s attack on Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge hearing the Trump … Continue reading

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Here’s why Trump’s foreign policy terrifies neocons

Joseph A. Mussomeli served in the U.S. Foreign Service from 1980 to 2015, including periods as U.S. ambassador to Cambodia and Slovenia. Most of my former colleagues at the State Department will be appalled by the assertion, but much of … Continue reading

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