Monthly Archives: June 2016

Coalition Of The Fringe Starts Shooting Each Other

Delicious! I don’t think macho Mexicans care much for political correctness. New York Times: The Mexican soccer star Javier Hernández, known as Chicharito, has condemned it in a public service announcement. Hashtags have spread to raise awareness of its offensiveness … Continue reading

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Dennis Dale: Mediocrity and Its Discontents

Comments at Steve Sailer: * From a political perspective, the liberal left is very impressive in its ability to monopolise minority political discourse. Little or nothing gets said by a woman, gay, black, lesbian, trannie etc without official approval from … Continue reading

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WP: Donald Trump calls profiling Muslims ‘common sense’

Not profiling by race and religion is insane. Washington Post: After doubling down on his proposal to ban immigrants from countries with a history of terrorism, Donald Trump is now doubling down on another controversial idea in the wake of … Continue reading

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NYT: Why ‘Transcending Race’ Is a Lie

I agree that it is silly to expect individuals and societies to transcend race. Race is as fundamental as sex. You can no more change your race than you can change your sex. Most of the time, most people are … Continue reading

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Pastor Praises Gay Massacre

Los Angeles Times: Pastor Roger Jimenez touched off a firestorm of controversy after he posted a YouTube video of his sermon in which he praised the June 11 massacre of 49 people and called the victims pedophiles and predators. “I … Continue reading

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