Monthly Archives: June 2016

Physiognomy Is Real

From the Chateau: Pman sells the science of physiognomy short. There’s evidence (re)emerging from the labcoats’ mental masturbatoriums that a person’s looks do say something about his politics, smarts, personality, and even his propensity to crime. Stereotypes don’t materialize out … Continue reading

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What Makes Mike Cernovich A Risky Guest For A Podcast?

Armin Rosen writes for Tabletmag: Then the conversation lurched in a less savory direction. This sometimes happens on The Rubin Report, given some of the riskier guests Rubin has hosted since his show launched in August of 2015—people like English … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Wise Latina Justice’s Supreme Court Opinion Cites Teh-Genius Coates

Steve Sailer writes: From Justice Sotomayor’s dissent in Utah v. Strieff: For a dissenting view on the philosopher of “black bodies” and “people who believe they are white,” see my “The First Rule of White Club.” COMMENTS: * These Sotomayor … Continue reading

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Haaretz: Trump’s Desire for America to Emulate Israel Is Bad for the Jews

Steve Sailer writes: I’ve always admired Israel and have frequently recommended that Americans study Israel’s hard-headed policies and attitudes for models for our own country. Donald Trump appears to feel much the same way. From the Israeli broadsheet Haaretz: On … Continue reading

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Angry Muslim…

An angry Muslim walks into a gay bar, the barkeeper asks, “What’ll you have?” The Muslim replies, “A shot for everyone.”

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