Monthly Archives: June 2016

Politico: How Stephen Miller went from obscure Capitol Hill staffer to Donald Trump’s warm-up act—and resident ideologue

Julia Ioffe writes: “I’M IN HEAVEN!” Ann Coulter tweeted when it was announced in late January that Trump had hired Miller, whom Coulter called “Sessions’ brain trust.” The hire, Coulter felt, offered a sign that Trump was “not backing down … Continue reading

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What Happened In Sacramento?

From Breitbart: It is worth noting that the SPLC does not seem to acknowledge the rising danger of the “anti-fa” or “anti-fascist movement,” which makes no distinction between fringe groups like the Traditionalist Workers Party and ordinary people who attend … Continue reading

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The Wall Just Got Ten Feet Taller!

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From Buzzfeed:

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Gay Pride 2016

Making America Great Again!

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