Daily Archives: May 6, 2016

Jack Hunter: Anatomy Of A Cuckening

Milo writes: Former Rand Paul staffer Jack Hunter ran a lengthy piece in the Daily Beast this week, criticizing me for co-authoring an explainer on the alt-right that wasn’t, as every other journalist’s attempt to chronicle the movement has been, … Continue reading

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Should Prostitution Be a Crime?


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Op-Ed Rich Angelenos are giving less to charity — and the consequences are dire

Los Angeles Times: During the Great Recession, tens of thousands of residents in Los Angeles County fell into poverty, and thousands more became homeless and went hungry. Simultaneously, the public sector was forced to reduce funding for many human services. … Continue reading

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TDB: Meet the New Han Solo: Alden Ehrenreich, Discovered by Steven Spielberg at a Bat Mitzvah

The Daily Beast: Back when Ehrenreich was just 14, he made a home movie for his friend’s bat mitzvah, which played during the ceremony. Steven Spielberg just so happened to be in the crowd, as his daughter Sasha was friends … Continue reading

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Barry Diller Attacks Trump As ‘Evil’

Advantage Trump tweets: “I enjoyed your reporting on Barry Diller in the past. Any thoughts on his recent attacks on @realDonaldTrump?” It makes me love Trump even more. I loathe Trump’s enemies. Trump must be great if they hate him … Continue reading

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