Daily Archives: May 5, 2016

Is crime genetic? Scientists don’t know because they’re afraid to ask

Brian Boutwell writes in the Boston Globe: THE COUNTRY HAS made unprecedented strides in the fight against crime. Both violent and non-violent crime are way down from their highs in decades past. This is great news, of course, but the … Continue reading

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The Bermuda Triangle Part II: Dangerous Research & The Risks Worth Taking

Professor Brian Boutwell writes: The late J.P. Rushton represents one of the most brilliant, yet oddly obscure, psychologists in the last several decades. Few would deny that Phil Rushton possessed a stunning intellect; his work on human altruism, in fact, … Continue reading

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The Bermuda Triangle of Science

Professor Brian Boutwell writes: This is an essay about how to avoid carpet-bombing your career as a scientist. The academy, in general, is a wonderful place to work, but not everyone plays nice. Veer too far from carefully charted courses … Continue reading

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The Best Of My Twitter Feed Today

* I follow @henrydampier because he’s a genius, & I follow @AliceTeller for novelty of a woman whose political opinions aren’t idiotic. * Haven’t heard of any terror strikes on Europe in weeks. I bet, contra the doomsayers, all their … Continue reading

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There Have Been over 100 Hate Crime Hoaxes in the Past Decade

From Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart, May 2, 2016: Victimhood is profitable. On the internet, it can get you thousands of dollars in crowdfunding donations. In the media, it can win you national prominence and a cooing audience of credulous sycophants. On … Continue reading

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