Monthly Archives: May 2016

Ethnic Diversity, Economic and Cultural Contexts, and Social Trust: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Evidence from European Regions, 2002–2010

Abstract: A growing literature investigates the relationship between ethnic diversity and social trust. Comparative research in the European context employing country-level indicators has predominantly produced inconclusive results. This study examines the relationship between immigration-related diversity and social trust at the … Continue reading

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Kin recognition in an annual plant

Even plants prefer their own kind. Abstract: Kin recognition is important in animal social systems. However, though plants often compete with kin, there has been as yet no direct evidence that plants recognize kin in competitive interactions. Here we show … Continue reading

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Evolution of contingent altruism when cooperation is expensive

Abstract: The ubiquity of cooperation has motivated a major research program over the last 50 years to discover ever more minimal conditions for the evolution of altruism. One important line of work is based on favoritism toward those who appear … Continue reading

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The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation

Torah has no doubts that the more unified and cohesive the Jewish people, the more powerful and effective they will be. I see no reason why this same principle would not hold true for not just all peoples, but for … Continue reading

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Trump Has A Sound Trade Policy, But Where Will He Get Sound Trade Policy Aides?

Eamonn Fingleton writes: Trump’s larger point is that for any serious future Presidential administration, trade can be a powerful lever in influencing foreign partners – and not just China, whose rivalry with the United States is now obvious and ever-present, … Continue reading

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