Monthly Archives: May 2016

More Diversity Please Source

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Bernie Wins Indiana

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Hillary will be forced to campaign against Bernie a little longer. The more people see and hear Hillary talking the less they like her. She has very high negatives for a reason, it is not … Continue reading

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The White Underclass

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “And of course, the white underclass lives on welfare and it isn’t pretty. And there are Mestizo Americans who work their asses off and genuinely aren’t mooching.” Naw, they’re just driving down wages, allowing employers … Continue reading

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It’s The Immigration, Stupid!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * In 1992, we had Buchanan and Perot. Disdained by the powerful, and regrettably defeated. Now we have the best of those two men in one. The Democrats have lost the monopoly on identity politics. * … Continue reading

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Salon: Ann Coulter’s flirting with white supremacists again: Even she should know better than to retweet certain people

It’s nice of them to be so concerned for her well-being. Salon: Ann Coulter reacted to the news of Texas Senator Ted Cruz pulling out of the race for the Republican nomination with all the class one would expect: Oh, … Continue reading

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