Monthly Archives: May 2016

WP: Hookup culture isn’t the real problem facing singles today. It’s math.

WP: Apps like Tinder are a symptom of gender imbalance in the dating market. John Birger writes: Today’s hookup culture does have one big thing in common with the ’20s flapper generation, and that is demographics. In the Vanity Fair … Continue reading

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The Shiduch Crisis

From Time magazine: Secular-style dating is rare in the Orthodox community in which Elefant lives. Most marriages are loosely arranged—“guided” is probably a better word—by matchmakers such as Elefant. The shadchan’s job has been made exceedingly difficult, she said, by … Continue reading

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The One Righteous Man

Chaim Amalek writes: The American People have failed to support Ted Cruz. What if it turns out that having Ted Cruz in the race and as nominee was akin to the one virtuous man in Sodom whose existence would have … Continue reading

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Why the Media’s Silence on Japanese Protectionism Gives Trump Another Priceless Opening

Eamonn Fingleton writes: In few places has Donald Trump’s rise caused more unease than in Tokyo. Indeed it is probably safe to say that, underneath an ostensibly imperturbable exterior, top Japanese officials are running far more scared than even Trump … Continue reading

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How Did Cruz Get This Far?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The liberals have actually been helping Trump with a lot of their attacks. I look at video after video of Mexicans waving Mexican flags, while cursing in Spanish at middle class American citizens at Trump … Continue reading

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