Monthly Archives: May 2016

The Bermuda Triangle of Science

Professor Brian Boutwell writes: This is an essay about how to avoid carpet-bombing your career as a scientist. The academy, in general, is a wonderful place to work, but not everyone plays nice. Veer too far from carefully charted courses … Continue reading

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The Best Of My Twitter Feed Today

* I follow @henrydampier because he’s a genius, & I follow @AliceTeller for novelty of a woman whose political opinions aren’t idiotic. * Haven’t heard of any terror strikes on Europe in weeks. I bet, contra the doomsayers, all their … Continue reading

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There Have Been over 100 Hate Crime Hoaxes in the Past Decade

From Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart, May 2, 2016: Victimhood is profitable. On the internet, it can get you thousands of dollars in crowdfunding donations. In the media, it can win you national prominence and a cooing audience of credulous sycophants. On … Continue reading

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Trump: Muslim Migration “Destroying Europe, I’m Not Gonna Let That Happen to the U.S.”

From Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars, May 4, 2016: Fresh off his massive victory in Indiana, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump told MSNBC’s Morning Joe earlier today that he would stick by his controversial policy on Muslim immigration because the migrant … Continue reading

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Meet Milo Yiannopoulos, the Appealing Young Face of the Racist Alt-Right

Jack Hunter writes: Milo Yiannopoulos is a beast. The 32-year-old, boastfully gay Breitbart writer—or “dangerous faggot”—has quickly become a hero to young conservatives and libertarians for smacking down the ridiculous out-of-control “social justice warriors” who troll college campuses. If Donald … Continue reading

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