Monthly Archives: May 2016

Barry Diller Attacks Trump As ‘Evil’

Advantage Trump tweets: “I enjoyed your reporting on Barry Diller in the past. Any thoughts on his recent attacks on @realDonaldTrump?” It makes me love Trump even more. I loathe Trump’s enemies. Trump must be great if they hate him … Continue reading

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Onward Muslim Soldiers

A Jewish friend is rereading the Torah: Genesis is bizarre. Still, it provides the first known instance of identity theft (Jacob and Esau) and identity theft can be a good thing. I wonder how many yeshiva bachurs go away from … Continue reading

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SMH: Sydney’s finest Asian Australian students still missing out on leadership roles

Why would you want strangers to rule over you? Would the Japanese want to be ruled by non-Japanese in their own country? Would Tibetans or Muslims want to be ruled by outsiders? Would Jews want non-Jews to rule over them … Continue reading

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LAT: Watch Muslim women explain what their hijab means to them

I can’t wait for the Los Angeles Times to produce videos with white nationalists explaining what their symbols mean to them. I’d love to see one on Nazis explaining what their symbols mean to them. Am I saying that Islam … Continue reading

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Declining Quality In British Universities Blamed On ‘Forced Diversity’

Daily Caller: British universities are becoming less competitive among the world’s elite, and experts say government regulations to force diversity on campuses are part of the problem. Britain’s two most prestigious universities, the University of Oxford and the University of … Continue reading

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