Monthly Archives: May 2016

Idiocracy In Brooklyn

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Applicant’s criminal record or financial record is discriminatory. * Drudge had a link up to a report stating that medical error is now the third leading cause of death. And I’ve seen a number of … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Plan to Lose the Deer Hunter States

Steve Sailer writes: …the Washington Post ran a trial balloon claiming that Hillary intended to run in the fall on immigration expansion and gun control. Looking at the 2012 electoral college map, that looks even more suicidal than it originally … Continue reading

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There Seem To Be A Lot Of Gay Jewish Men

Twice as many proportionally as among the goyim, it seems. Charles writes: Do some ethnic groups have more homosexuals than other ethnic groups? Of course not everyone will agree with him on the issue of homosexuals being “smarter” than those … Continue reading

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Forced secularization always unravels in a Muslim country?

Comments to Steve Sailer about Turkey: * Every less intelligent race is prone to conspiracy theory thinking, which is just another word for magical thinking. Blacks love it and it’s very entertaining listening to a black man hold forth about … Continue reading

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Republican Jewish Group Endorses Donald Trump

How many pro-Trump pieces has the parochial Jewish media run? I don’t recall any from Tabletmag or the Forward or the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles. Forward: The main Republican Jewish group has endorsed Donald Trump for president, driving a … Continue reading

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