Monthly Archives: May 2016

The lack of acceptance of evolutionary approaches to human behaviour

WASP scientists are the most likely to use evolutionary perspectives. Two professors in England write: Wilson, Trivers and others believed sociobiology could make a particularly useful contribution to the social sciences by providing a model of the underlying evolutionary influences … Continue reading

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Why China’s Not Afraid of Donald J. Trump

The Chinese leadership and Donald Trump are both realists. The Chinese are very realistic about how the world works. They are not naive like the people who govern America and think the world wants western democratic values. Vladimir Putin of … Continue reading

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Why The Hatred Against Donald Trump?

Jayman writes March 18, 2016: I will argue that the hatred directed towards Trump has little to do with Trump himself or his campaign. Rather, I suspect that this is more about what a Trump presidency represents: the end of … Continue reading

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WP: Police report reflects the ugliness of the Trump era

Can you imagine a man filing a police report over this? Do people on the left get more hate than people on the right? Which group is more likely to file a police report over these threats? When was the … Continue reading

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JJ Goldberg: Was This Top Israeli General Right To Denounce Jewish Extremism on Holocaust Day?

All nationalisms contain the capacity for genocide. If you truly love your people and are willing to do anything to keep them safe, you are willing to make war on their enemies. The stronger your in-group identity, the more likely … Continue reading

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