Monthly Archives: May 2016

Different Times Call For Different Leaders

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Point one, the election tropes of Reagan in 1980 are as useful to 2016 as those of Wilkie in 1944 were to 1980. Point two, Reagan’s legacy is distorted through the lense of post-Reagan Bushian-Cuckservatism. … Continue reading

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The Atlantic: ‘Why White People Don’t Use White Emoji’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I first heard about the race-toned emoji last year, during office hours for a college class I was teaching. Two black students were sitting doing practice problems (and playing on their phones), and one looked … Continue reading

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Judge: ‘Black men see gang-rape of babies, daughters and mothers as a pleasurable past-time’: Calls for white female South African judge to quit after her social media messages are leaked

Daily Mail: A white South African judge was at the centre of a social media storm after Facebook comments emerged in which she suggested rape was part of black culture. Political parties rushed to condemn the messages, which sparked fresh … Continue reading

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Mondoweiss: Jeffrey Goldberg terrorizes peers into silence over his daily intellectual and moral outrages

Mondoweiss: But then again maybe I’m a paranoid conspiratorial self-hating Jew. Maybe Jeffrey Goldberg’s diagnosis of Glenn Greenwald applies to me as well: Maybe someone beat me up when I was a kid in Yeshiva! Remember Goldberg’s diagnosis: “Self-hatred is … Continue reading

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David Samuels on Obama and Rev. Wright

Steve Sailer writes: From the Washington Post: Did the White House know what David Samuels thought about the Iran deal? By Erik Wemple May 9 at 6:02 PM The White House has had to answer some uncomfortable questions over the … Continue reading

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