Monthly Archives: May 2016

Meet the French Jews Who Love Marine Le Pen and Her Far Right Party

Forward: Samuel Johnson’s riff on female preachers and walking dogs — “It is not done well, but you are surprised to find it done at all” — comes to mind with the news from France of the creation of the … Continue reading

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My People

My primary concern is the survival and prosperity of my people. Michael: “Your concern is misplaced, your concern should be for the well-being and basic human rights for all people, regardless of which you identify. The great ones have always … Continue reading

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Steve Lopez: Five ways to end homelessness in L.A.

Here are some of my ideas: * Put the mentally ill in hospitals. That will solve about 90% of homelessness. * Figure out why there are so few asian or latino homeless and see if there are things that can … Continue reading

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Trump’s Foreign Policy: A View from Israel

Israeli professor Yitzchak Klein writes: 1. Limiting Foreign Interventions Trump has got this right. Many Israelis were skeptical about the United States’ nation-building efforts in the Middle East from the start—from the Bush variety, which ended up handing most of … Continue reading

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The Joseph Story

Chaim Amalek: The Koranic version of the biblical story of Josef makes the Jews look much better than the version in Torah, in which the Jews look like and are depcted as financial predators, feasting on the misfortune of others. … Continue reading

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