Monthly Archives: May 2016

Steve Sailer: Video: The Hug Thug Slugs Another Young Woman in Times Square

Steve Sailer writes: …places like Times Square and Hollywood Boulevard are full of people hustling for tips from tourists who, unlike Jermaine, go to the trouble of dressing up as comic book character. Most of them don’t cause too much … Continue reading

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The New Failed Messiah-Type Blog

Click here for the blog covering the dark side of the Orthodox world: “Uncovering the crimes, misdeeds and scandals of the Haredi/Hasidic community. Following in the footsteps of Failed Messiah.” Chaim Amalek writes: “Rodef alert! Hashem, send us moshiach already … Continue reading

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No Kin Of Mine

When O.J. Simpson was acquitted of murder, much of white America woke up to the fact that blacks lived in a very different moral universe from them. For most blacks, as with many Jews and Muslims and East Asians, tribal … Continue reading

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Are Jews A Race?

Comment: Yes, but it was also not uncommon to refer to the “English race,” “German race,” “Italian race,” etc. as well as the broader “White race” in that era. With regard to the population genetic evidence, discussing Jews as a … Continue reading

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Most American Jews Are Married To Non-Jews

Comment: 58% of married Jews are married to a non-Jew. 20% of Jews married to a non-Jew say they will raise their kids Jewish. 25% of Jews married to a non-Jew say they will raise their kids “partially” Jewish. 37% … Continue reading

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