Monthly Archives: May 2016

Antisemitic Endorsements on Current-Affairs Website Elicit Outcry From Major Jewish Groups

I love how just calling a website “anti-Semitic” and other slurs is supposed to be a powerful argument. There is no such thing as “racism” or “bigotry” or “anti-Semitism.” There are just conflicting group interests. Arabs and Muslims are not … Continue reading

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Poverty Expert Ta-Nehisi Coates Bails on Newly-Purchased $2.1 Million Home After Media Attention

REPORT: Ta-Nehisi Coates, the award-winning journalist and author specializing in racial justice and black poverty, has cancelled plans to move into the posh Brooklyn brownstone he recently purchased for $2.1 million, citing personal safety concerns amid a storm of unwanted … Continue reading

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Jewish Groups are expressing outrage…

It seems like half the time I hear the phrase “Jewish groups” in the news, they’re doing something I hate. So I decided to get scientific about it and put “Jewish groups” into a Google news search and see what … Continue reading

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My UCLA Economics Prof Interviewed By The WSJ

LINK: Mr. Roberts is decidedly not in the materialist camp. He has described himself as a believer, a religious Jew, and he has a penchant for literature. One of his books is an “economic romance” about a young high-school teacher … Continue reading

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‘These are refugees who simply want to get to safety they say’

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