Monthly Archives: May 2016

Touring Israel With The Museum of the Bible (MOTB)

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein writes: An Orthodox young woman who works for MOTB argued that the greatest change she has seen in a decade is that Israelis have learned how to do a traffic merge – quite a change from the … Continue reading

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Freedom In Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein writes: Jonathan Rosenblum and I discovered decades ago that we were kindred spirits. We rarely disagree. We did disagree twice about the recent[1] Klal Perspectives shabbaton in Baltimore, although he won’t find out about the second disagreement … Continue reading

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The North Carolina Legal Battle and the Its Larger Message for the Jewish People

Rabbi Avrohom Gordon writes: It’s described all over mainstream media as the North Carolina Anti-LGBT Law – intentionally creating a picture of old-time Southern bigotry, conjuring up images of signs in North Carolina establishments that bar people from entrance or … Continue reading

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The Realignment of American Jewry

Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie writes: If only traditional Judaism would lower its standards, become more open minded, there would be a Jewish renaissance. That is the assertion of Rabbi Yitz Greenberg, in a recent article in the Jewish Week. He points … Continue reading

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The Cure For Islamophobia

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