Monthly Archives: May 2016

David Horowitz: Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew

David Horowitz writes: While millions of Republican primary voters have chosen Donald Trump as the party’s nominee, Bill Kristol and a small but well-heeled group of Washington insiders are preparing a third party effort to block Trump’s path to the … Continue reading

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The Next President Of The United States

In this May 15 lecture, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff calls Donald Trump the next president of the United States. “The [New York] Times are having a field day shooting at Trump…”

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Subsidizing America’s Poor So They Can Move To The Surburbs

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This is what it’s like to live under a hostile elite. I’ve never seen a Hunger Games movie or book but I know the plot line of Psycho Hostile Elite in Capitol City dominating the … Continue reading

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The New Solution to Black Crime

Robert Weissberg writes: On April 22, 2016 Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe by executive order restored the voting rights of 206,000 felons who have served their time and completed other requirements. Also bestowed were the rights to serve on a jury, … Continue reading

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Tweet: ‘Imagine how disgusted Lincoln would be if he could see how Trump’s racism has tainted the Republican party’

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