Monthly Archives: May 2016

Adelson and Trump

I study a page of Talmud every day. There’s nothing that Donald Trump has said that is more uproarious than what you find in Talmud and other Jewish texts. If a Jew wants to condemn nativism, xenophobia, bigotry, and racism, … Continue reading

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Canada’s Trudeau makes formal apology for racist Komagata Maru incident

Why should Canadians apologize for wanting to keep Canada white? They are not responsible for taking in anyone who wants to move there. Are Tibetans evil for wanting to keep Tibet Tibetan? Are Japanese evil for wanting to stay Japanese? … Continue reading

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White Nationalists See Advancement Through Donald Trump’s Candidacy

Beth Reinhard, Wall Street Journal, May 17, 2016 White nationalists are hailing Donald Trump’s elevation to presumptive Republican presidential nominee, while also trying to boost their own political profiles and activity. Although Mr. Trump has spurned these extreme groups’ support, … Continue reading

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‘Trump’s Terrifying Online Brigades’

James Kirchick writes in Commentary magazine: If the alt-right does have an intellectual forbear, it is a 43-year-old computer programmer named Curtis Yarvin. Along with fellow “neo-reactionary” thinker Nick Land (a former lecturer at the University of Warwick), Yarvin is … Continue reading

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Should England Leave The EU?

Steve Sailer writes : Since the time of King Henry VIII, the English government worked for a “balance of power” (i.e., undermining Continental unity). England supported the second-strongest power on the Continent against the strongest. Thus, London backed Prussia against … Continue reading

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