Monthly Archives: May 2016

NYT: At Warby Parker, a Sense of Exclusion in a Low Price

Comment: This NYT article At Warby Parker, a Sense of Exclusion in a Low Price about ‘cheap’ glasses reminds me of Steve’s country club exclusion theory of Jewish projection vexation. Ginia Bellafante writes: The story of Warby Parker more or … Continue reading

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“We are Assata’s Daughters”

Comment: If you think the Trayvon Martin Foundation was named in bad taste, I present to you Daughters of Assata: “We are Assata’s Daughters” Who is Assata? Full name Assata Shakur, born JoAnne Deborah Byron. From wikipedia: In May … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Master Plan to Lose the Election: Campaign for Gun Control as Anti-white

Steve Sailer writes: “…the Democrats’ problem with gun control is that they just can’t stop themselves from portraying the gun problem as evil white men shooting innocent black baby bodies.” Comments at Steve Sailer: * The obvious riposte to the … Continue reading

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LAT: Why the Expo Line to Santa Monica marks a rare kind of progress in American cities

How happy will residents of Santa Monica be when their city is inundated with residents of South-Central? These questions don’t get addressed in all the media coverage of LA’s light rail extension to the coast. Christopher Hawthorne writes: The 1.5-billion … Continue reading

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Does The Bible Favor Diversity?

Chaim Amalek writes: What is the Torah’s position on diversity? It seems not to favor it, given all the prohibitions on mixing different crops in one field or cross-breeding cattle (Leviticus 19:19). And then there is this, from Joshua 10: … Continue reading

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