Monthly Archives: May 2016

Atlantic: “Girl Scouts: Still Mostly White”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * When I was growing up, my father was a Rotarian and seemed to really love it. I felt really disconnected in my rootless suburb a few months back and decided to look up the local … Continue reading

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If you don’t know how much money a Jew has to the penny, you have to treat him with respect, because he might be a Big Jew.

He might be Sheldon Adelson. That’s why Jews feel comfortable asking each other intimate questions such as how much money you make, whether you rent or own, etc. It’s all part of being a family. Once you find out the … Continue reading

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Yoav Shamir’s Movie Defamation

Yoav: The motivation for Defamation actually started with Checkpoint, when Checkpoint was released. I started out making Checkpoint approaching it more as a filmmaker than an activist or a leftie or anything like that. I was drawn to this human … Continue reading

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George Carlin and the Jewish question

Jerusalem Post: For Israeli comedian and author Charley Warady, the death of George Carlin, the American iconic counterculture comic, is shocking and sad. But as Carlin likely would have wanted, Warady and others are still able to laugh. “He was … Continue reading

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Paul Gottfried’s FASCISM: THE CAREER OF A CONCEPT Explains Why Elites Believe Trump Is A Fascist

From VDARE: Donald Trump is “how fascism comes to America,” says Robert Kagan. The New Yorker warns fascism “can happen here” [Going There With Donald Trump, by Adam Gopnik, May 11, 2016]. Martin O’ Malley complains about Trump’s “fascist appeal” … Continue reading

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