Monthly Archives: May 2016

Dennis Prager: A Response to My Conservative #NeverTrump Friends

Dennis Prager writes: I devoted many hours of radio and many columns to criticizing Trump. His virtually assured nomination has therefore caused me grief as an American, a Republican and a conservative. That his character defects, gaps in knowledge on … Continue reading

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Derbyshire, Hanson & National Review

John Derbyshire writes July 25, 2013: Victor Davis Hanson’s Tuesday column “Facing Facts About Race,” published at the National Review Online website, continues to draw commentary.  I passed some brief remarks myself here at the day it appeared. Since … Continue reading

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BLM Disrupt Milo Yiannopoulos at DePaul University 5-24-2016

Started streaming 2 hours ago: There is only one “World’s Most Fabulous Super-villain”, and he is at DePaul for One Night – LIVE! His Topic: Feminism is Cancer! For all of the social justice warriors/feminists who have nothing better to … Continue reading

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Only One Columbine Shooter Was Jewish

Half of the Columbine shooters were gentile but nobody talks about that! Oy, when will the goyim leave us alone? Denver Post: April 24, 1999 – Friends say 17-year-old Dylan Klebold was more follower than leader, less fascinated by German … Continue reading

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Our Vibrant Future

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