Monthly Archives: May 2016

Which one of these presidents was toughest on Israel?

Another way of framing the same question is asking which U.S. president was strongest on pursuing America’s interests. As Israel and America are different countries, they often have different interests. Dennis Ross writes: Have the United States and Israel ever … Continue reading

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JTA: Warmonger or humanitarian? Getting to know Avigdor Lieberman

In different contexts, the same people are likely to be warmongers or humanitarians. Sometimes, to be humane to your own people, you have to wage war on your enemies. Israel, if it is to survive as a Jewish state in … Continue reading

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NY TIMES to Australia: Open Those Borders!

John Derbyshire writes: One of the first pieces I ever published on, on September 4th 2001, was about Australia’s policy towards illegal immigrants. Titled “Nice Guys Get Illegal Immigrants,” that piece reported on the Tampa incident. Tampa was a … Continue reading

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The Mexico Way

Steve Sailer writes: Why does Donald Trump dumb down his speeches? For a clue, consider how badly the elite media continues to miss the point of the most notorious thing he ever said, this infinitely denounced passage in his June … Continue reading

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WP: For Somalis, hope falls to the cutting floor – Refugees entrapped by popular meat industry

What other jobs are they going to do? Computer programmer? The average Somali IQ is 68, below what is considered mentally retarded. Washington Post: LIBERAL, Kan. — First a stream of newcomers started renting ramshackle homes by the train tracks, … Continue reading

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