Monthly Archives: May 2016

4 Reasons Why Women Cannot And Should Not Lead

From Return of Kings: A strong woman is as unattractive to men as a weak man is unattractive to women. …Men have a deeply rooted aversion to powerful women, and rightly so. In addition to being repulsive, it involves huge … Continue reading

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The #NeverTrump Crowd

Ace of Spades blogs: Please explain to me the continuing hardcore commitment to #NeverTrump. Is it… 1. Disliking the fact that the Upper Middle College Educated Class controlled the party for decades, and made a sport of ignoring the Working … Continue reading

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How Bad Is It In Germany Now?

Roosh tweets: “I asked a white-collar German man if he’d support Hitler if he was alive today. He said yes. That’s how bad it is in Germany right now.”

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Twitter: ‘Weird how there has been a huge uptick in homicides since #BlackLivesMatter went after police for doing their jobs’

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Bill’s Lost His Mojo

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