Daily Archives: April 12, 2016

WP: Pro-Trump, anti-Mexican messages chalked on California campus as ‘chalkening’ movement spreads

I find myself reading more stories in the Washington Post these days than in the New York Times (and far more than in the Los Angeles Times). Washington Post: Racist messages were written alongside campaign slogans for presidential candidate Donald … Continue reading

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The case for making Donald Trump king of America

Catherine Rampell writes for the Washington Post: Readers, today is your lucky day. I have the perfect idea for how to solve all of our nation’s political problems. It’s a proposal that could satisfy the fringiest, angriest, most fervent Trumpkins, … Continue reading

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WP: This white nationalist who shoved a Trump protester may be the next David Duke

Washington Post: The day after the rally, Matthew Heimbach, a 25-year-old white nationalist who grew up in an affluent Maryland community and now lives in rural Indiana, acknowledged online that he was the one in the video pushing the woman. … Continue reading

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U.S. Eyes Money Trails of Saudi-Backed Charities

60 Minutes Sunday night showed that the King Fahad mosque in Culver City played a key role in 9/11. It made me wonder why it is still standing? Fifteen of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabian. Washington Post in … Continue reading

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‘Feminism is just Weaponized Mental Illness’

John Rivers: “Look at the Army’s first female infantry recruit. She can easily beat up old men w/ severe heart disease. Probably.” #EqualPayDay

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