Monthly Archives: April 2016

Is There White Privilege?

Dennis Prager writes: A pillar of contemporary leftism is the notion of “white privilege.” Given that a generation of high school and college students are being taught that a great number of “unearned privileges” accrue to white Americans — the … Continue reading

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Why do Jews support a $15 minimum wage?

Judaism has no position on a minimum wage, but most Jews in America are on the left and so they support a strong central government and higher minimum wage. Dennis Prager writes: The majority of Jews support increasing the minimum … Continue reading

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Why the Left Loathes Western Civilization

Dennis Prager writes: This month Stanford University students voted on a campus resolution that would have had their college require a course on Western civilization — as it did until the 1980s. Stanford students rejected the proposal 1,992 to 347. … Continue reading

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Whither The Shiksa?

Los Angeles Review of Books: The point of all this is that the pejorative of shiksa has been hollowed out: “shiksa” today is used as often as not in winking self-reference. Drew Barrymore, wife of Will Kopelman, recently called herself … Continue reading

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If God Is Dead, Can America Survive?

Patrick Buchanan writes: In a recent column, Dennis Prager made an acute observation. “The vast majority of leading conservative writers … have a secular outlook on life. … They are unaware of the disaster that godlessness in the West has … Continue reading

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