Monthly Archives: April 2016

Madonna Ho MD

Wow! What is it like to go through life with the name Madonna Ho? She should have her own reality show. I bet thousands of American men would quickly develop their own Madonna-Ho MD complex.

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Don’t Apologize For Your Beliefs

Comments at the Chateau: * If there’s one damn thing we’ve learned over and over again in the last ten years, it’s that apologising for saying something that offends non-whites, feminists, homosexuals, etc. will get you nowhere. Proclaim your beliefs … Continue reading

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‘You can be a victim of rape, but you’re not a victim when you buy or solicit an abortion.’

Karl Denninger writes: I speak of the belief, espoused by Trump, Cruz, Kascich and Sanders, along with many others over the years (in fact, nearly everyone who laments the number of abortions in this country) that women are victims of … Continue reading

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Women Want To Be Judged

From the Chateau: The ideology of nonjudgmentalism, primarily held by women, is better understood as female guilt transference of their secret desire to be judged. Women WANT a man who will judge them and make them feel if not unworthy … Continue reading

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‘ADL has funded many of the neo-nazi groups and individuals. Goal is to discredit White Identity.’

Source. Tweet: “The ADL also provides seminars and publications to law enforcement. Creates a self-fulfilling prophecy where cops look for Nazis. The ADL is also heavily involved in public schools with its No Place for Hate Campaign. Young Alt-Right needs … Continue reading

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