Monthly Archives: April 2016


Tom Wolfe says to The American Spectator: There is a lot of distress and contempt for government and he is capitalizing on that. He has also said a lot of things that are politically incorrect. He comes out and says … Continue reading

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Crime Wave In Tannum Sands!

My mate had his screwdriver stolen right near Booth Avenue (named after my mother’s side of the family). He complains: “The Anglo-Saxon trash we have around here. All the crime around here is committed by white trash. If we could … Continue reading

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Clinton to Fundraise at L.A. House of Tax Evading Clinton Foundation Donor Peter Lowy

I doubt the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles covered this story. From the Washington Free Beacon June 19, 2015: Hillary Clinton will attend a $2,700-a-plate luncheon on Friday at the Beverly Hills home of a man who was investigated by … Continue reading

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Would Obama Want His Daughters To Date A Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin Type?

Steve Sailer writes: “For example, in Baltimore last year, you had black riots over a black career criminal dying at the hands of black cops in a city with a black police chief, black DA, and a black mayor, in … Continue reading

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WSJ: Japanese Lawyers’ Problem: Too Few Cases

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Japanese apparently aren’t suehappy. Not yet, anyway. It’s hard to feel sorry for the lawyers. Japan already has a system that works, though, at least for consumer product stuff. The head of the transgressing company … Continue reading

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